
Ordering a glass of water at a restaurant might seem like a boring choice. However, drinking water is very healthy for you. If you don’t care for the taste of plain water, try unsweetened flavored waters, or add a slice of lemon, lime, or cucumber. For general good health, shoot for 64 ounces – that’s eight 8oz cups of water. Your body craves water, as it should since it’s 75 percent of your being! If you work out regularly, if you’re pregnant or nursing, or if you’re going through a growth spurt, you might need up to two liters of water per day! It supports every system in your body and does wonders for the condition of your skin and hair. There are so many health benefits of drinking water.

Soulage la fatigue

Saviez-vous que la fatigue est l’un des premiers signes de déshydratation ? Si vous vous sentez léthargique et fatigué au milieu de la journée, il se peut que vous ne buviez pas assez d’eau. Avec une quantité d’eau insuffisante dans le corps, votre niveau de volume sanguin diminue. À son tour, votre cœur travaille plus fort pour pomper du sang oxygéné dans la circulation sanguine. D’autres organes fonctionnent également moins efficacement, mais boire plus d’eau peut aider le corps à mieux fonctionner. Au lieu de prendre une collation de bonbons ou une tasse de café l’après-midi, optez pour l’eau citronnée.

Améliore l’humeur

Not only can dehydration lead to fatigue, but it also might affect your mood. Lessen mood swings by increasing your water intake. The hue of your urine is a key indicator if you are consuming enough water: the lighter the color, the better the hydration (and vice versa). If you seem irritable or annoyed, you might need to skip the soda and grab a bottle of water. Tension headaches also may be caused by dehydration – and these -ci affectent votre humeur. Gardez une bouteille d’eau sur votre bureau au travail, pour vous rappeler de boire beaucoup tout au long de la journée.

Aide avec les maux de tête et les migraines

Just like the other conditions listed, headaches and migraines can be triggered by dehydration. Consuming plenty of water can even provide relief if you already have a headache. According to a study that was published by the European Journal of Neurology, drinking more water can help reduce the intensity and length of headaches. When you become slightly dehydrated, your brain shrinks slightly – it’s a fatty organ that needs a lot of water to function. This, in turn, can lead to a headache. Instead of popping an aspirin, try drinking a large glass of water and resting your eyes. You might find this remedy helps more than over the counter medication.

Aide à la digestion et à la constipation

To prevent constipation, you can drink more water. If your body does not have enough of it, the colon pulls water from the stools to maintain hydration. This, in turn, makes solid waste harder to pass. Water, especially warm water, is good for digestive health. It improves the function of your gastrointestinal tract by helping break down food properly and promote regular bowel movements. When you eat large meals, your gut needs twice as much water to digest and process – so if you struggle with constipation, consider smaller meals and larger glasses of water.

Encourage la perte de poids

Sometimes you feel hungry, but you are just thirsty. Drinking water, especially two glasses before a meal, can help curb your appetite and indirectly support healthy weight loss. Water will not only fill your stomach, but it boosts metabolism, helps break down fat cells, and raises the rate at which your body burns fat. Other beverages add to your calorie count and contribute to gaining weight. Juices, sodas, and even some teas and coffee drinks have a lot of hidden calories. Stick to water to make sure you aren’t drinking your calories.

Élimine les toxines

L’eau potable peut aider à détoxifier votre corps parce que vous vous débarrassez des déchets par la sueur et l’urine. L’augmentation de la quantité d’eau que vous consommez peut également réduire l’apparition de calculs rénaux et favoriser la fonction rénale en général. L’eau dilue les sels et les minéraux dans l’urine qui causent ces calculs douloureux. Cependant, n’allez pas trop loin non plus. Votre corps a besoin d’une quantité spécifique d’eau pour fonctionner correctement. discutez de la consommation d’eau avec votre médecin pour déterminer la quantité que vous devriez en boire chaque jour. Trop d’eau peut entraîner un déséquilibre électrolytique, ce qui peut provoquer des étourdissements et des nausées.

Améliore la fonction cérébrale

Do you feel distracted? Drinking more water can help you focus better. Your brain thrives when you consume water. If you need to feel more alert, coffee might seem like an obvious answer, but caffeine might not be the healthiest route. Water can also boost your energy levels, especially during exercise. Your brain is a fatty organ and needs plenty of water to stay hydrated. If you aren’t drinking enough, your brain can shrink a bit, making the transmission of electric signals and communication from it to your body more difficult. Think of your brain as a sponge, and make sure you’re keeping it plump.

Prévient les crampes

Have you ever gotten a “Charley Horse” in the middle of the night? These leg cramping sensations can come on suddenly, but you can avoid this painful muscle tightness by drinking more water. Adequate hydration can help your muscles stay elastic and keep your joints lubricated. Thus, you are less likely to experience uncomfortable cramps. If you work out frequently, staying hydrated is essential to prevent muscle spasms and cramps.

Favorise une peau saine

The water you drink shows on your face – dewy, glowing skin is skin that’s kept well-hydrated. You can obtain a smooth, youthful complexion by increasing the amount of water you drink. Water hydrates the skin and improves blood circulation through tiny capillaries. When you replenish the elasticity of your skin tissue, you will start to achieve that radiant look. Allowing your skin to stay hydrated prevents dryness and dullness, as well. Plenty of water helps your body fight skin damage, too – the antioxidants you consume to fight the damage caused by free radical molecules need a lot of water to work. Keeping hydrated gives the antioxidants the tools they need to help replenish and renew your skin.

Combat la mauvaise haleine

Un mauvais goût dans la bouche peut être le signe d’une faible consommation d’eau. Si vous buvez une quantité suffisante d’eau, les particules alimentaires et les bactéries buccales devraient disparaître à chaque repas. De plus, il diluera tous les composés malodorants persistants. Se rincer la bouche après avoir mangé la plus petite des collations peut aider à éliminer les bactéries et à contrôler les odeurs.

Renforce le système immunitaire

Un mauvais goût dans la bouche peut être le signe d’une faible consommation d’eau. Si vous buvez une quantité suffisante d’eau, les particules alimentaires et les bactéries buccales devraient disparaître à chaque repas. De plus, il diluera tous les composés malodorants persistants. Se rincer la bouche après avoir mangé la plus petite des collations peut aider à éliminer les bactéries et à contrôler les odeurs.

Renforce le système immunitaire

The more water you drink, the less likely you are to deal with common ailments like a cold or the flu. Some studies even suggest that staying hydrated with water reduces your chance of more severe diseases such as cancer or a heart attack. Drinking water will make you feel healthier in general, as it helps each organ system function at an optimum level. When your system has plenty of water, it’s better able to fend off bacteria and viruses.